Advisory Group
The Planning for Open Grants project is advised by an external advisory committee, selected from among domain experts and stakeholders. This group shares their respective knowledge and experience around four key areas: (1) funding workflows and technical infrastructure; (2) community engagement in open access; (3) academic peer review and reward systems; and (4) collaborative digital library initiatives.
We are no longer accepting applications for the Planning for Open Grants Advisory Committee, but you can read the past call.
The Advisory Committee will meet with the UF Team, 2022 May 19-20 in Gainesville, Florida. Please see the tentative meeting agenda for details.
Advisory Committee
- Karl Benedict, University of New Mexico, Director, Research Data/Services Information Technology Services for College of
University Libraries & Learning Sciences
- Chao Cai, Purdue University, Assistant Professor, Libraries and School of Information Studies
- Lisa Correa, Rutgers University, Assistant Director for Research Development, Office of Research
- Mirerza Gonzáles Vélez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs,
College of Humanities
- Jessica Hernandez, Whitman College, Director of Fellowships and Grants
- Beth Hodges, Florida State University, Director, Office of Research Development
- Kari Jordan, The Carpentries, Executive Director
- Emily Lescak, Wikimedia Foundation, Senior Research Community Officer
- Amalia Levi, HeritEdge Connection, Inc. Founder and Chair
- Sara Mannheimer, Montana State University, Data Librarian
- Traci Mark, Metropolitan New York Library Council, Program Manager, Equity, Archives and Media Preservation
- Kevin McPherson, Knowledge Futures/Open Grant Data Commons
- Elaina Norlin, Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, Professional Development/Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Trainer
- Gemmicka Piper, IUPUI, Humanities Librarian
- Jason Rhody, Modern Language Association, Director of Academic Program Services & Professional Development
- Nadjah Ríos Villarini, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Associate Professor for the College of General Studies
- Dylan Ruediger, Ithaka S+R, Sr. Analyst
- Elizabeth Vu, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Program Associate
- Christa Williford, Council on Library and Information Resources, Director of Research and Assessment
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Award # LG-250067-OLS-21 to Hao Ye and Perry Collins.